
  • "BNL Handyman" represent BNL-RO LTD (registered company number 15702549) whose registered office is in Oldham.

  • "Customer" means the person or organization that engages BNL Handyman to carry out work.

  • "Trade Professional" means the individual or organization that registers for the Service and receives job notifications from BNL Handyman.

  • "Service" means the job notification service provided by BNL Handyman to Trade Professionals and the provision of handyman services to Customers.

    Terms and Conditions of Service

  • General Terms

    1. Acceptance: By using the Website or engaging BNL Handyman's services, you accept these Terms and Conditions.

    2. Changes to Terms and Conditions: BNL Handyman reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.

  • Customer Terms

    1. Quotes and Estimates: All quotes and estimates provided by BNL Handyman are valid for a period of 30 days from the date of issue.

    2. Payment Terms: The Customer agrees to pay BNL Handyman's invoices within 14 days of the date of the invoice. A late payment fee of [insert percentage or amount] may be applied to overdue accounts.

    3. Cancellation: If the Customer cancels an order or job, they may be liable for any costs incurred by BNL Handyman in preparation for the work.

    4. Workmanship: BNL Handyman warrants that the work will be carried out with reasonable care and skill.

    5. Materials: BNL Handyman warrants that the materials used will be of satisfactory quality.

  • Trade Professional Terms

    1. Subscription: The Trade Professional agrees to pay the subscription fee as stated on the Website. The subscription fee is non-refundable.

    2. Job Notifications: BNL Handyman will send job notifications to the Trade Professional via email or WhatsApp. The Trade Professional acknowledges that they are responsible for checking their email and WhatsApp messages regularly.

    3. Job Acceptance: The Trade Professional acknowledges that they are responsible for accepting or declining jobs sent by BNL Handyman. If a job is accepted, the Trade Professional agrees to complete the job to the best of their ability.

    4. Quality of Work: The Trade Professional warrants that they will complete all jobs to a high standard and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

    5. Liability: The Trade Professional agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BNL Handyman against any claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising from the Trade Professional's failure to complete a job to a satisfactory standard.

  • Trade Professional Obligations

    1. Provide Accurate Information: The Trade Professional agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date information when registering for the Service.

    2. Maintain Professional Indemnity Insurance: The Trade Professional agrees to maintain professional indemnity insurance to cover any claims arising from their work.

    3. Comply with Laws and Regulations: The Trade Professional agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when completing jobs.

  • Liability and Indemnity

    1. BNL Handyman's Liability: BNL Handyman's liability for any loss or damage caused by their negligence or breach of contract shall be limited to 5M.

    2. Trade Professional's Liability: The Trade Professional agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BNL Handyman against any claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising from the Trade Professional's failure to complete a job to a satisfactory standard.

  • Governing Law These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

  • Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at:

    BNL Handyman Services

  • Address: Hadfield Works, Hadfield Street, OL83BU

  • Phone: 07438935762

  • Email: bnlhandyman@yahoo.com

    By using the Website or engaging BNL Handyman's services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.